TITLE: Aligned Movement
YEAR: 2020
MEDIUM: Pencil and Gouache on Paper
DIMENSIONS: 19 x 27 inches

ALIGNED MOVEMENT is a continuation of my search for ways to combine hand-drawn and machine-executed elements in a cohesive work. I do not want those parts to be merely stacked on one another, or for one to dominate the other entirely. Instead, I hope to establish a back and forth dialogue between the two, each influencing the other in succession.

The design of ALIGNED MOVEMENT began with a hand-drawn curve in a custom created software interface. This curve became the basis for the algorithmís movement through the image, as it selected colors and attempted to propagate them along strings of dots. Next, the dots were physically transferred to paper through a plotter (a simple three-axis robot) drawing with a pencil. This ensured that the mechanical precision of the dot positions were preserved. Finally, the dots were painted with gouache by hand. I generally followed the colors that were suggested by the algorithm, but allowed some colors to differ whenever I felt they should.